Are Porirua City Councillors Exercising Control Over Costs?

Cost Concerns

  • Over several years the city’s debt has increased by over $25 million which is a real concern for ratepayers.
  • I believe our debt is higher than forecast!
  • Are Councillors trying to hide the extent of these mistakes?
  • Is there or has there been a claim against the PCC for delays caused to the Transmission Gully Road development?
  • Are we having to buy leaky homes due to PCC construction oversight mistakes?
  • What cost over runs have there been on Council projects such as the renovation of Council offices?
  • Why have we wasted funds on the Cobham Court ‘playland’ when infrastructure projects should have been a priority?
  • Is there a substantial liability for future roading maintenance costs when Transmission Gully opens?
  • Why is the Land Holding Review taking so long to action?
  • Porirua Councillors – as residents we need forthright and honest communication with ratepayers!

Governance by Councillors

  • You have already approved a Long Term Plan that will continue to make Porirua city increasingly uncompetitive with the five other urban cities in New Zealand.
  • Why not set targets to make Porirua competitive with other urban cities in a progressive manner over the next 10 years?
  • Your policies are making Porirua unaffordable for low income homeowners and are driving them from our city.
  • I am happy to meet and discuss these issues with Councillors or to hold public debates over these issues.
  • Our city needs strong and thoughtful leadership. Are Councillors are providing this?

Leadership from Mayor Mike

  • As an example, a Rotorua home with a rateable value of $545,000 pays $548pa less than in Porirua. Why?
  • As an example, a Porirua home with a rateable value of $600,000 will soon be paying $1000pa more than a similar value home in Lower Hutt. Why?
  • I understand the city has provided the Mayor with a new car. Low income ratepayers will not be able to afford such a luxury.
  • I understand that PCC paid half of the costs of your three week trip to China. I do not see any advantage to Porirua city, but is the organisation that paid the other half contributing to your Mayoral campaign?
  • There is a book about leadership in governance called “The Fish Rots from the Head” by Bob Garrett. I would suggest that you read it in the interests of providing better leadership.

Porirua is already a fantastic city, but we need a
better quality of leadership from Council